Just how much have I lost?

Friday, May 6, 2011

first time

I bought a dress, in fact I bought 2.... and I wore it last night. (size 14 thank you very much) I did put on a pair of spanx like shorts under it but I wore a dress. For the first time in probably 14 years I wore one and heels. I felt good. I was out with my husband at a banquet for his company and I felt lke I belonged. Last year or was it two years ago I went I wore capris and a shirt and look like a casual bum. But now I was dressed like everyone else and was not self consious.
Today we went out for lunch and I literally had 3 bites of my salad and 7 bites of my ravoli. I brought the rest back to the hotel and it will be my dinner. Acutally just the salad the chicken and ravoli my husband will eat.
Tomorrow we are going to take a 4 mile hike which I think should be fun. One day when I acutally have a camera I will post pics.
Did I tell you I am wearing the same bra size I wore back in high school a 38C. This is down from a 42 DDD. I would love to lose 10 more pounds but since I am not really doing anything to make a change I am pretty sure I will stay at this weight for a while. And guess what I am ok with that. I look normal and can wear clothes that I feel good in.

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