Just how much have I lost?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

life with restriction

So I figured it was fitting to show peanut butter as I have gotten stuck a few times today. But really the peanut

butter I found in Walmart and has 10 grams of protein for 2 tablespoons and 169 calories. It also has 4 grams of fiber. Much healthier than the regular jiffy I have been buying. Now there are flaxseeds in it but when you mix it up you don't really mind them. I had a couple of spoon fulls of this today to try and get some protein in.

I started off today with a cup of decaf and then at 9:30 I thought I would be ready for eggs. I made some scrambled eggs with cream cheese to make them creamy and reheated some mashed potatoes from yesterday. Let me tell you I had three bites and was done for another hour. I mean it just sat there for a while. By 11:45 I had finished my egg and given up on the mashed potatoes.

At 4:30 I figured I should eat again, wasn't hungry but knew I needed something. I took 2 bites of a tuna sub no bread of course. So it was really just tuna and cheese. Boy did that hurt. I spent 5 minutes over the toilet spitting, you know just tons of spit. Luckily no throw up I think leaning over helped to move it.

By 6:00 I managed to eat the tuna from half of the sub, and the cheese off of one slice of pizza. I couldn't resist. I also had 1/2 cup of sugar free pudding mixed with cool whip. I needed something sweet. That is all I have had all day. Even drinking is different, I can't drink too fast or too much because even that causes me to feel uncomfortable.

I am so glad for the restriction, but more than that I am happy I have no desire to eat. I mean when am I not hungry. I remember going out with my husband am him saying are you hungry and me saying when have I not been hungry. Well now I can say no. It is a wonderful feeling to have the thought of food out of my head.

My only worry is how am I going to get 60 grams of protein in? I really hate yogurt so please don't suggest that. Any other suggestions?


  1. Every morning I have 3 egg whites, a piece of cheese and 3 slices of turkey bacon. For lunch I have smoked salmon (3 oz), a 1/2 cup cottage cheese and a cup of broccoli. By the time lunch is over I have nearly gotten my 60 grams of protein for the day. I think peanut butter may be considered a "slider". Also, I can't wait for the day that I have no "desire" to eat!

  2. Kerri,
    I would be laid up on the floor if I ate what you had for breakfast. I tried to eat a turkey burger today and had about half before I had the sharp pains in the chest again.
    Not having a desire to eat is like the best thing ever. Before the surgery I thought about food every minute of the day. I planned my drive home so I could go past the fast food I wanted as a snack before dinner. How much do you have in your band?
