Just how much have I lost?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

ice cream does it to me every time

I love ice cream. Soft serve ice cream that is. I love vanilla and chocolate. I love Blizzards and McFlurries. And now Burger King has them too. Betcha didn't know that did ya? Well my daughter works there and she often brings home one she can't finish and gives the rest to me. And who can turn down ice cream. tonight she offered me her onion rings she couldn't finish. I had no problems. Then her ice cream that she mixed with oreos and mini m and m's. Oh yeah it was good. I had a few bites and stopped. Gave a few to my younger daughter, then burped a few times and had the last two. Within in three minutes I was in the bathroom spitting away. And after a minute or so I threw it all back up.
I would like to say this is my first time throwing up after eating ice cream, but it isn't. I really need to just say no like Nancy Reagan said so many years ago. Why is it so dag on hard!
In other news I got down to 181, then this morning back to 185. what the hell.

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